(Franchise Marketing) How To Be Creative With Your Marketing

Being creative with your marketing can help your franchise stand out from your competitors. Listen to podcast here.

How can we stand out in the online world? There is a lot of competition that it is crucial to either have an internal marketing team or hire somebody to help you with the creative ideas. This will help you stand out and get visible for your business. Creative marketing can help grow your brand and engage with your audience. If you are not a creative person, there are ways to help you develop ideas. When I work with a client, I always find inspiration on Google by typing in keywords, then find images and text that resonate with me.  For example, I’m working on a logo, and they wanted to have a holistic feel and look at it.I typed in holistic, came up with words, found images, and tuned in to what it really means. From there I created different visuals to present to the client.The same is true for you. If you’re wanting to create a direct mail piece for your company you can go to the internet and find inspiration. Then pick different components from each thing you see and create your own unique graphic. My creative inspiration comes from the internet; I pull all the images, then work my magic into something unique and creative.

How to get creative:

  1. Testimonials: You can use them in all of your marketing. They are a powerful marketing tool and are one of the best ways to stand out.   
  2. Building partnerships: Working and collaborating with the community can be as simple as sharing posts or putting together a campaign. It’s a great way to show that you give back and care about your local community. When you do that, you show up ten times more. I have a client who gives back to their local community by running a sale or asking people to bring a coat for 10% off. The items vary per season, but it is a great marketing technique for them. It entices the company, the vendor, and the audience.
  3.  Investing in the process: This is a significant component. Whether it is to have someone implement the strategy or consult with you, it will help grow your business. No matter what you decide, you need to figure out which route is best for you. Masterminds are another great investment because you can get ideas from others, implement them and put together an action plan.
  4. Fun Creative Campaigns: For example, in a creative campaign for the health industry, you could highlight and target all the special health days and do promotions around that. You can have all your team members write out what they are thankful for during Thanksgiving; this has created a lot of traffic and engagement in the past. You want it to be memorable and on point with your brand when you post on social media. Social media is overpopulated; you need your brand to stand out.
  5. Inspire your team: Have your team members take over for the social platforms for the day. They can write what they’re feeling, new products, or even how to do videos. You want to always create engagement so that your audience can engage.

Creative Content: I would highly recommend creating some type of creative calendar that you can implement and use each month. It should have some different topics, but also each month can have similar stuff. Also, look back on data when you start to do

Being creative with your marketing can help your franchise stand out from your competitors. Listen to podcast here.

How can we stand out in the online world? There is a lot of competition that it is crucial to either have an internal marketing team or hire somebody to help you with the creative ideas. This will help you stand out and get visible for your business. Creative marketing can help grow your brand and engage with your audience. If you are not a creative person, there are ways to help you develop ideas. When I work with a client, I always find inspiration on Google by typing in keywords, then find images and text that resonate with me.  For example, I’m working on a logo, and they wanted to have a holistic feel and look at it.I typed in holistic, came up with words, found images, and tuned in to what it really means. From there I created different visuals to present to the client.The same is true for you. If you’re wanting to create a direct mail piece for your company you can go to the internet and find inspiration. Then pick different components from each thing you see and create your own unique graphic. My creative inspiration comes from the internet; I pull all the images, then work my magic into something unique and creative.

How to get creative:

  1. Testimonials: You can use them in all of your marketing. They are a powerful marketing tool and are one of the best ways to stand out.   
  2. Building partnerships: Working and collaborating with the community can be as simple as sharing posts or putting together a campaign. It’s a great way to show that you give back and care about your local community. When you do that, you show up ten times more. I have a client who gives back to their local community by running a sale or asking people to bring a coat for 10% off. The items vary per season, but it is a great marketing technique for them. It entices the company, the vendor, and the audience.

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