How To Use Facebook To Leverage Your Business
Let me talk to you today about Facebook and how to leverage and scale your business. There are a lot of good things happening on Facebook, and although you may have heard that Facebook is dying, or is outdated, let me tell you that it is here to stay! In this post, I’ll give you my top four tips to use Facebook to leverage and scale your business.
1. Facebook Groups.
One of the biggest ways I have used Facebook to grow my company is through Facebook groups. Facebook groups are a great way for you to leverage your business and get seen by warm audiences.
The chances are that you will join a group of like-minded businesses or people seeking out your business. It’s important to join these groups and get your business SEEN. Be strategic about it. You don’t need to join hundreds and hundreds of groups.
Pick the right groups that will work with you and your business – one that provides value, or one that you can give value to. Utilize the introduction posts, promote your services and build your presence and authority. Another way to use Facebook groups is to build your community. If you have a community, you are able to share and support one another. With these groups, you can share or tag one another’s posts.
This community can be used for learning as well as growth. For instance, I have my own Facebook Group called Susie Liberatore The Branding Expert, for support for business owners. We do virtual cocktail hours, coffee events, and networking. By doing this, we are building a great community and where we can share tons of information that people can use and learn from.
2. Making friends and connections.
The importance of building a community goes hand in hand with the importance of building connections and friends. Use the connections to reach out to business owners or people that you would love to work with.
I would recommend that you make sure you have everything clearly stated in your profile before sending friend requests to other business owners. Make sure that your company’s profile is managed well so that all these new people can discover who you are and what your business represents.
If people are requesting to follow you, that’s even better! They are your warm leads. Reach out to them and send them a message. It will go a long way and make a lasting impression. You can ask simple questions like “what made you want to reach out?” or “what made you want to become a business owner”. These questions are a great way to build your connections and in turn, build and expand your business.
3. Facebook Ads
The next thing I want to talk to you about is Facebook Ads. When done correctly Facebook Ads can really help expand your business. The truth is organic marketing is extremely hard these days because Facebook has made it that way.
Remember that it only takes 3 seconds to leave an impression on your audience. That’s why it’s essential to make sure that your branding is on point, your audience is correct and you have all the information to make a successful Facebook Ad.
Have a budget for how much you want to spend on advertising. The best results come when you spend 5 to 10 dollars a day. Comparatively speaking with other forms of advertisement, this is a very reasonable amount to spend a month. Ads are a great way to get scale since they can be leveraged to get more in return. Be sure to be really strategic about who you are marketing to. Make sure that your page has a pixel and that you are collecting the right type of information before investing in your ad.
It’s important to keep in mind that if no conversions are happening, then there must be something wrong and something must change. In so many ways, if correctly done, Facebook Ads can be a really profitable way to promote your business online.
4. Sharing
Lastly, a great way to leverage your business is to share posts. Not just your posts, but dream clients’ posts, or even your client’s posts. This is an easy way that will allow you to maximize your audience, and generate more leads.
You might ask why. Why should I share posts that aren’t for my business? Well, that’s a great question. It creates authority for your business. It causes people to see you more consistently in news feeds and also be seen by the target audiences. So if you are sharing from a business page, more than likely people will recognize your business and see the type of services you offer or the type of businesses you work with. But beyond that, it’s one of those things where it makes you feel good and it makes your client feel good as well. It demonstrates that you support them and want them to do well.
So here are were the top 4 tips to leveraging your Facebook business account. Facebook is absolutely a great way to build your business and it is only continuing to grow. I’m curious to know if you guys do any of these things and if you’ve had any breakthroughs. If you have not had success, I highly recommend hitting the contact button down below and figure out how to start leveraging and building your business today.
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